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Index function in excel

How to use Excel's INDEX function to find data in a table

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Any help appreciated: rounded grades 165,000? In the meantime, this Excel function is smart, supple and versatile. If they aren't, this solution won't work since Excel will count all of the cells that contain a non-blank value.

I have two tables each having 37X12 rows and columns, First row and first column is having names for the corresponding data. Microsoft Excel offers some very powerful functions for finding values within a data set based on some specified criteria.

Index Match Formula - NOTE: Excel Web App has some limitations.

In this tutorial, you will find a number of Excel INDEX formula examples that demonstrate the most efficient uses of INDEX in Excel. Of all Excel functions whose power is often underestimated and underutilized, INDEX would definitely rank somewhere in the top 10. In the meantime, this Excel function is smart, supple and versatile. So, what is the INDEX function in Excel? Essentially, an INDEX formula returns a cell reference from within a given array or range. In other words, you use INDEX when you know or can calculate the position of an element in a range and you want to get the actual value of that element. This may sound a bit trivial, but once you realize the real potential of the Excel INDEX function, it could make crucial changes to the way you calculate, analyze and present data in your worksheets. Both forms can be used in all versions of Microsoft Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007 and 2003. INDEX array form The INDEX array form returns the value of an element in a table or an array based on the row and column numbers you specify. Alternatively, you can convert a range to a table Ctrl + T and refer to it by the table name. Here's a that demonstrates this behavior. INDEX reference form The reference form of the Excel INDEX function returns the cell reference at the intersection of the specified row and column. If you are entering more than one range, separate the ranges by commas and enclose the reference argument in parentheses, for example A1:B5, D1:F5. If omitted, the INDEX formula will return the result for the first range listed in reference. Both of the INDEX formulas we've discussed so far are very simple and only illustrate the concept. Your real formulas are likely to be far more complex than that, so let's explore a few most efficient uses of INDEX in Excel. How to use INDEX function in Excel - formula examples Perhaps there aren't many practical uses of Excel INDEX by itself, but in combination with other functions such as MATCH or COUNTA, it can make very powerful formulas. Source data All of our Excel INDEX formulas except for the last one , we will use the below data. For convenience purposes, it is organized in a named SourceData. The use of tables or named ranges can make formulas a bit longer, but it also makes them significantly more flexible and better readable. To adjust any INDEX formula for your worksheets, you need only to modify a single name, and this fully makes up for a longer formula length. Of course, nothing prevents you from using usual ranges if you want to. In this case, you simply replace the table name SourceData with the appropriate range reference. Getting the N th item from the list This is the basic use and the easiest Excel INDEX function example. When working with Excel tables, you can select the column using the mouse and Excel will pull the column's name along with the table's name in the formula: To get a value of the cell at the intersection of a given row and column, you use the same approach with the only difference that you specify both - the row number and the column number. In fact, you already saw such a formula in action when we discussed. And here's one more example. Getting all values in a row or column Apart from retrieving a single cell, the Excel INDEX function is able to return an array of values from the entire row or column. Such INDEX formulas can hardly be used on their own, because Excel is unable to fit the array of values returned by the formula in a single cell, and you would get the VALUE! However, if you use INDEX in conjunction with other Excel functions, such as SUM or AVERAGE, you will get awesome results. When working with real data, this feature may prove helpful as part of more complex formulas you use for data analysis. Using INDEX with other Excel functions SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN From the previous examples, you might be under an impression that an INDEX formula in Excel returns values, but the reality is that it returns a reference to the cell containing the value. And this example demonstrates the true nature of the Excel INDEX function. Since the result of an INDEX formula is a reference, we can use it within other functions to make a dynamic range. The following formula will make everything clear. Apparently, the INDEX formula's route appears overly complicated, but it does have practical applications, as demonstrated in the following examples. Calculate average of the top N items in the list Let's say you want to know the average diameter of the N biggest planets in our system. Sum items between the specified two items In case you want to define the upper-bound and lower-bound items in your formula, you just need to employ two INDEX functions to return the first and the last item you want. INDEX formula to create dynamic ranges and drop-down lists As it often happens, when you start organizing data in a worksheet, you may not know how many entries you will eventually have. It's not the case with our planets table, which seems to be complete, but who knows... Anyway, if you have a changing number of items in a given column, say from A1 to A n, you may want to create a that includes all cells with data. At that, you want the range to adjust automatically as you add new items or delete some of the existing ones. For example, if you currently have 10 items, your named range is A1:A10. If you add a new entry, the named range automatically expands to A1:A11, and if you change your mind and delete that newly added data, the range automatically reverts to A1:A10. The main advantage of this approach is that you do not have to constantly update all formulas in your workbook to ensure they refer to correct ranges. The difference is in the approaches. The COUNTA function, used in both formulas, gets the number of non-empty cells in the column of interest. In this example, there are 9 non-blank cells in column A, so COUNTA returns 9. The following screenshot demonstrates how you can use such Index formula to create a. The easiest way to create a dynamically updated drop-down list in Excel is making a. In this case, you won't need any complex formulas since Excel tables are dynamic ranges per se. You can also use the INDEX function in Excel to create dependent drop-down lists and the following tutorial explains the steps:. If you have ever tried using , you are well aware of its numerous limitations, such as inability to pull values from columns to the left of the lookup column or 255 chars limit for a lookup value. For more tips and formula example, please see the. Excel INDEX formula to get 1 range from a list of ranges Another smart and powerful use of the INDEX function in Excel is the ability to get one range from a list of ranges. Suppose, you have several lists with a different number of items in each. Believe me or not, you can calculate the average or sum the values in any selected range with a single formula. First off, you create a named range for each list; let it be PlanetsD and MoonsD in this example: I hope the above image explains the reasoning behind the ranges' names : BTW, the Moons table is far from complete, there are 176 known natural moons in our Solar System, Jupiter alone has 63 currently, and counting. For this example, I picked random 11, well... Please keep this in mind, for the formula to work correctly, the text in B1 should be exactly the same case-insensitive as in the IF's parameters, otherwise your Index formula will throw the VALUE error. I am hopeful these examples showed you a way to harness the potential of the Excel INDEX function in your worksheets. Thank you for reading! The second workbook recognises that there is a new line to deal with but does not automatically display the row or details. Any suggestions what I am doing wrong? I have a large number of data in which I am trying to calculate weeks of supply. I am looking for a formula that will go to a specified cell that contains my build for a specific category then multiply last weeks sales by that build. If that does not equal 0, then I would like it to do the same thing and move on to the next cell and perform the same formula. Then continue until my result is zero, and finally count all the cells it performed this formula, giving me my weeks of supply. The budget data it pulls looks like this: Date Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Postage xxxx xxxx xxxx When I have Jan-16 in the drop down field, it works great. When I change the drop down to any other month, I get REF!. Not sure how to enable the use of the drop down in the formula. Any help will be greatly appreciated. What if I have a long time-series organized in by year column 1 and month column 2 and the value column 3 and I want to compute seasonal averages i. DJF, MAM, JJA, SON over the entire time-series. How can I use the EXCEL average function to know to skip every 12th entry in generating the seasonal averages? I am trying to get the min number from these set of value from Cell, D13 to D19. With the method i use, it is going to be very tedious as i need to repeat it till D19. Is there a way to rewrite this formula into an array where the formula will gather the number from D13-D19 and output the minimum? I am maintaining a speadsheet which which monitors materials delivery detailed and summary. Both tables are Named Tables, so the number of items will increase in time. I tried to search in the forums but failed to get what I'm looking for. Would appreciate any help. Project ProjCode Vendor Material Status 1 Project 1 Prj001 ABC Material 1 Delivered 1 Project 1 Prj001 ABC Material 2 Undelivered 2 Project 1 Prj001 XYZ Material 3 Delivered 2 Project 1 Prj001 XYZ Material 4 Delivered Sheet2-Summary PONo. Project ProjCode Vendor Status 1 Project 1 Prj001 ABC Partial 2 Project 1 Prj001 XYZ Delivered Good morning I am trying to write an INDEX MATCH Formula that will dynamically set the INDEX lookup column based on the header column. I have made the table headers in Table1 and Table2 names ranges and in my Lookup1 tab, I want the table headers to be dropdowns from one of my dataset tables. I'd like to write the INDEX MATCH formula to change it's INDEX column if I changed the header title in my table. I have pasted the original formula below, the part colored in red is what I want to rewrite to reference the header of it's own column, match the column of the same name in the Table1 tab and insert that as the Index lookup. When we close on another month data is updated in that column. I want to automatically sum the data in the rows without continually every month updating my sum formula at the end. Can someone please show me how to do this with Index and Match Function? I want it to be dynamic! Thanks, I'm trying to reference a cell in another workbook without success. I think my best way forward is to use Indirect but have also tried Index without success. I have multiple projects and when the formula is dragged down to the next project, the index gets off because the projects have different start dates. Is there a better way to have the index start at the first billing month other than copying the formula from the previous project to the first billing month of the next project? Hellow all, I have two questions,please have a look and let me know is there anyway to find the solution, 1. I have two tables each having 37X12 rows and columns, First row and first column is having names for the corresponding data. Here the question is, i need to sort out column 1 data which is having same names for two tables from the reaming 35 columns of the two tables based on max, avg and min values. I have 15 matrices, each of the matrix is having 1833x1833 rows and columns. Here the data need to be sort out for specific rows and columns say for eg. Looking for the solution, Thanks, Subbareddy. I have a table with row 1 being dates from July thru to end of October and row 2 indicates whether a person is working 1 or not 0. I want to only sum every second number in the range specified in the abovementioned formula? I have a table that has data entered including customer reference numbers and dates. I want to lookup the reference number in one column, check that a date has been entered against all entries in another column and then return a Yes, No response. I want result for PE in column F2 and drag down. Another CE result want in column G2 and down. But the CE word starts from row above 100 in column E and when I drag it in column G2 and down I am getting incorrect match. But getting correct result for PE. Perhaps you can help me out. The formula works great. Later I realized that I needed to improve the status formula by checking for cost of the asset. If I put the Status formulas back to original the array formulas work as expected. Good day i have a challenge. SUM LARGE E3:Q3,1,2,3,4,5 +C3 i want to now add a column that will calculate the points sum of best grade. Thanks in advance Hello, I have a list with 2 columns: A:text B:number I wanted to 1- select records that have value 'USD'in column A This outputs a range include recores that value of column A is 'USD' 2- Sum the column B values on range which specified in previuse step. HOW TO DO THIS IN EXCEL USING FUNCTIONS? I need to get the columns C and D are sorted according to the ref. Thank you so much in advance. I have a schedule for 10 teams playing on 5 boards. They play 3o days and play 2 games each day, against different teams. Left column are the dates, then to the right is what teams play each other and the board they play on above the teams. I would post the schedule but do not see where I can post it. I presently have a chart that I populate manually and want to do automatically depending upon what the date is, whether the 1st or 2nd game is being played. I tried index, match, vlookup and cannot get any of them to work with the schedule I have. What do you suggest I do? Hopefully I explained what I'm trying to do. The dashboard has columns that match the activity title and the rows have the matching campaign. It logs down my system. Is there a better way to do? In this case please try to find the solution in VBA sections on mrexcel. Any help appreciated: rounded grades 165,000? From To Grade 160,000 170,000 A1 150,000 159,999 A2 140,000 149,999 A3 130,000 139,999 A4 120,000 129,999 A5 110,000 119,999 A6 100,000 109,999 A7 90,000 99,999 A8 85,000 89,999 B1 80,000 84,999 B2 75,000 79,999 B3 70,000 74,999 B4 65,000 69,999 B5 Index match on multiple criteria with multiple sheets i have a workbook with 4 sheets 1st three are Jan, Feb, Mar and 4th one is home. Columns are style no. Like i want a formula in HOME sheet in cell C2 which see style no. Three sheets Jan, Feb, Mar are like this. Qty Unit Price WTC123456 456 45,000 WTB281654 1000 65,000 HOME Sheet. Qty Unit Price WTC123456 456 here i want formula WTB281654 1000 because some styles are put in Jan and some are in Feb so on. My data is tricky not able to replicate the same issue. Below are the columns of info I have in the spread sheet: Dept Month Target Actual Difference Mktg Jan-18 100 80 20 Mktg Feb-18 120 118 2 Mktg Mar-18 90 94 4 TeleM Jan-18 200 210 10 TeleM Feb-18 150 148 2 TeleM Mar-18 110 103 7 I want my chart to change dynamically. Could you please help how to write the Index Formula. I want to display the chart data by for selected period by dept. I will select the dept and then the range of the periods which will display the chart. Since I have multiple times dept and month are coming in the data spreadsheet it is not giving the right result. A B 1 STAFF 100 2 SUPVR 120 3 ADIR 500 4 STAFF 150 5 MGR 200 I could make it work by using below formula... Note the curly brackets around the formula. This indicates to Excel that this is an array. After you enter the formula in the formula bar, put the cursor in the formula and click CTRL Shift Enter and you should see the curly brackets around the entire formula. When entered in this manner Excel will treat the formula as an array. You can change the addresses and ranges to suit your needs, but when you change something in the formula you need to put the cursor in the formula and click CTRL Shift Enter again to get the array back. Hi, I have a workbook with roughly 40 identical sheets of data. I use the following formula to draw this data to a dashboard dependent on the sheet name.


Keyboard shortcuts speed up your modeling skills and save time. I love INDEX function very much. One of the values may contain leading spaces or trailing, or embedded spacesand the other doesn't. David McRitchie has written a macro to remove them, along with other spaces characters -- Download the Sample File Download the More Tutorials. You want to find the value in the cell located at the junction of the third row and index function in excel fifth column in the table. You saved me from doing manual works. My data is tricky not able to replicate the same issue. For example, you might have a worksheet that contains dates in a format that Excel does not recognize, such as YYYYMMDD. Learn how to build an IF statement that will test if a cell contains a value between two numbers and then output the result you want if that condition is met. A KPI is a quantifiable measurement, such as monthly gross profit or quarterly employee turnover, that is used to monitor an organization's performance. Remember - this is a simple example to illustrate how INDEX works. Based on the level of exam, it returns the matching value from one of the three tables.

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The code will also show you how to build an MFC dialog in 100% Python. To register a function as a macro you use the decorator. Bug reports and feature requests should be submitted using the. Please provide a full traceback of any error you see and if possible a sample file.

I think you could choose openpyxl instead and it would be quite similar, but I have not used it. Now when you click that button the macro will be called.

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I am new to Python. I need to write some data from my program to a spreadsheet. I've searched online and there seems to be many packages available xlwt, XlsXcessive, openpyxl. The program is very simple. I have two lists float and three variables strings. I don't know the lengths of the two lists and they probably won't be the same length. I want the layout to be as in the picture below: The pink column will have the values of the first list and the green column will have the values of the second list. So what's the best way to do this? I am running Windows 7 but I won't necessarily have Office installed on the computers running this program. It gets the job done but it can be slightly improved. How do I format the cells created in the for loop list1 values as scientific or number? I do not want to truncate the values. The actual values used in the program would have around 10 digits after the decimal. Pandas allows you to represent your data in functionally rich datastructures and will let you excel files as well. To solve this, replace all missing values with None. I was assuming it used xlwt too, but getting an openpyxl error. For anyone else who gets confused by this - it's all in the filetype you want. If you need all of these things, you may have the most success with this library. I think you could choose openpyxl instead and it would be quite similar, but I have not used it. To format cells with xlwt, define a XFStyle and include the style when you write to a sheet. See example code below. It can write excel workbooks with multiple sheets as well as other formats, such as csv, json, and yaml. If you don't need formatted cells like background color , you will do yourself a favor to use this library, which will get you farther in the long run. Text files are just characters, including special ones like newlines and tabs, and can be easily opened anywhere e. A csv file is a text file that is formatted in a certain way: each line is a list of values, separated by commas. Python programs can easily read and write text, so a csv file is the easiest and fastest way to export data from your python program into excel or another python program. The free book Automate the Boring Stuff with Python with more details or you can check the site. You won't need Office or Excel installed in order to use openpyxl. Python interprets this decimal point as instructions from you to include the exact number.


Looking to convert multiple PDF files python excel once. The Excel plug-in allows users to query data out of the database to display in Excel. It gets the job done but it can be slightly improved. If you are ready to make your life easier, read about the available python packages for excel given below and start withthe python excel used package with very easy interface and suitable for beginners dealing with all types of excel spredsheets. If you are using a 64 bit version of Excel, you must also use the 64 bit versions of PyXLL and Python. Install openpyxl using pip: you saw how to do it in the previous section. When another function is called with that handle PyXLL retrieves the object from its cache and passes it to the method. Step 1 Python excel you haven't already, install Anaconda on your machine from. These are a good place to start to learn more about what PyXLL can do. The project is essentially an online database simplified for end-user access. Ultimately, I understand that a true computer programmer — one that codes for a living — is likely far more talented that someone like myself, who will build small, relatively simple apps on the side. This powerful and flexible library is very frequently used by aspiring data scientists to get their data into data structures that are highly expressive for their analyses.

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Cet key answer 2018

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After the examination question booklet of all sets will be made accessible on official websites according to the calendar. Chemistry was the easiest among all four subjects.

MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore Medical Electronics 9943 4. Get here MHT CET 2018 Answer Key with solutions in order to know answers and calculate marks. Those candidates who have been listed on the merit list will be called for counselling procedure that has begun from 7th June 2018.

MH CET LAW 2018 Answer Key, Question Paper & Analysis - message The Verification of Backward Area, Defence and Sports Certificates has started today 27th June 2018 from 10 AM.

Subscribe to updates Unsubscribe from updates Himachal Pradesh Technical University conducts the Himachal Pradesh Common Entrance Test. This is a state level examination conducted for all those candidates who want to seek admission in undergraduate and postgraduate courses like B. These courses are offered at HPTU and other colleges affiliated to it. HP CET is conducted every year in offline mode, i. message The Verification of Backward Area, Defence and Sports Certificates has started today 27th June 2018 from 10 AM. The Last date for receipt of Hard Copy of Application Form through e-mail ID himtuadmission gmail. Today 25th June 2018 is the last day to fill and submit the online Application form for HP CET 2018 Admissions. Get the form Application Open for SRM University BTech Admissions Application Open for MAHE Entrance Test Manipal Univ Application Open for Amrita Univ B Tech Admissions UPES Dehradun 2019 Admissions Open HPCET 2018 Counselling schedule released. Get the link below! HP CET 2018 result Announced — Check your result by clicking. HP CET 2018 Final Answer Key has been released! HP CET 2018 provisional Answer key for B. Tech has just been released. Check PDF Below All those who wish to take admission in the above-mentioned courses were required to first fill the online application form of the test that was released on the official website. Aspiring candidates are required to go through all the information provided below to apply for HP CET conducted for the academic session of 2018-19. Important Dates Regarding HP CET 2018 Candidates must make sure that they go through all the details before applying for the examination. The dates are related to events like the release of the application form, issue of admit card, the exam schedule, etc. All candidates must make sure that they know all the announced and tentative dates so that they do not miss out on any crucial event. The Dates of HP CET 2018 are given in the table below: Events Dates Availability of Application Form 8th March 2018 Last Date to submit the Application Form 28th April 2018 Issue of HP CET 2018 admit Card 5th May 2018 HP CET 2018 exam date 13th May 2018 Release of HP CET provisional Answer Key 2018 14th May 2018 Release of HP CET Final Answer Key 2018 23rd May 2018 Announcement of Result 29th May 2018 Commencement of Counselling 7th June 2018 Counselling Process of HP CET HP CET 2018 Counselling schedule has been announced. Those candidates who have been listed on the merit list will be called for counselling procedure that has begun from 7th June 2018. Candidates have to first register themselves for the counselling. Aspirant will also be required to pay the registration fee. Candidates will also have to bring the below-listed documents for verification. Seats will be allotted to the candidates based on their rank and preference of the candidate. Those who are shortlisted will be issued a selection letter and payment of tuition fees has to be done at the allotted institute. Failure to confirm their admission will lead to the cancellation of their allotted seat. Results of HP CET 2018 The results for all the candidates who have taken the examination has been released officially on 29th May 2018. The results have been declared online for which the candidates were asked to visit the official website. Candidates had to enter their roll number or name to view the result which will carry section-wise and total marks obtained by the candidate. The result was also made available on the notice board of the University. All candidates who viewed the result had to also make sure to download it and take a print out of the same for future references. HP CET 2018 Answer key Check out the HP CET 2018 Provisional answer key for B. Pharmacy Ayur exam held on 13th May 2018. The HP CET final Answer Key 2018 had been released on 23rd May 2018. Himachal Pradesh Technical University is in charge of releasing the answer key of HP CET. With the help of the answer key, candidates will be able to cross check their answers and have an idea of the probable score that they will be obtaining in the examination. While calculating the scores, candidates will have to follow the official marking scheme. After this, the final answer key will be released by the concerned authorities. HP CET Eligibility Criteria Prior to filling up the application form, all candidates must make sure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions laid down by the exam conducting authority. The eligibility criteria are based on certain parameters like age, educational qualifications, etc. Failure to possess the eligibility criteria will lead to the rejection of the application. HP CET 2018 Admit Card The had been released in online mode on 5th May 2018. The Admit card was duly signed by the controller of examinations and was available on the official website. The Admit card is regarded as one of the most important documents that a candidate must carry to the exam center on the day of the examination. The presence or absence of the same will determine whether a candidate will be allowed to take the exam or not. Candidates were required to go to the official website and download the Admit Card by entering the requisite login credentials. The admit card will carry important information like the name of the candidate, the examination time and date, exam center address, etc. In case of any discrepancy, the aspirant must contact the concerned authority immediately. To download the HP CET 2018 Admit Card- HP CET 2018 Application Form HP CET 2018 Application Form had been Released. Click the link below to Apply Now! The had been made available online from 8th March 2018. HP CET application form for B. Tech course had been released online and was available until 28th April 2018. All candidates had to carefully fill up the application form with the correct details. Applicants were first required to register online and then fill the form with all required information. It is suggested that the information provided should be in accordance with the documents possessed by the candidate. Incomplete forms or forms with incorrect details will be rejected. Only one application form per candidate was entertained. Candidates had to upload the scanned images of their photograph and signature. The application form was incomplete without the payment of the Application fees. Applicants belonging to the ST, SC, and BPL category will be required to pay Rs. This amount had to be paid through either the offline mode PNB Challan or through online mode credit, debit card, net banking. Candidates must fill and submit the application form correctly and only then were they be able to pay the above-mentioned fee. Exam Pattern of HP CET 2018 Before starting with the preparation of the exam, every candidate must make sure that they g through the exam pattern. The Exam pattern of HP CET 2018 will include information like the duration of the exam, the mode, the language of the question paper, number of questions, marking scheme, etc. After having a look at the exam pattern, the preparation for each and every candidate will become easier and will help him understand the pattern of the question paper easily. HP CET Subject Wise Syllabus Along with the exam pattern, candidates must know the syllabus of the exam. The will include topics from physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Knowing the syllabus will help the candidate gather the correct study material and prepare for the examination. HP CET 2018 Merit list will be prepared based on the marks of the candidate. The merit list will contain the name and rank of the candidate. The higher the rank, the more preference will be given to the candidate. Separate merit list will be released for those who have applied through JEE Main 2018 and those who have applied through HP CET 2018. Candidates who have been listed on the merit list will be eligible to participate in the counselling and seat allotment procedure Jennefer Reggie :Hi, my name is Jennefer Reggie, a young girl from New Delhi. I have done graduation in English Honours from DU. My interests vary from watching stand-up comedy and trekking to sitting with a coffee while reading a book. I laugh like a seal but I'm mostly a normal girl with a poker face most of the time. I'm a budding writer and currently working as an executive content writer.


How to calculate scores using MHT CET Answer Key 2019. How to Use the MHT CET Answer Key. Lakhs of hopefuls seeking admission in various Graduate Degree courses have appeared for the MHT CET examination. Below are some points which will help the candidate to download the answer key. BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore Industrial Engineering 10528 5. We will provide MHT CET 2018 Question paper and Answer key with Solution by the various private coaching cet key answer 2018. KCET 2018 Answer Key kea. HP CET 2018 Answer key Check out the HP CET 2018 Provisional answer key for B. Candidates had to upload the scanned images of their photograph and signature. The coaching centre will upload the answer key within a short time after completion of the examination. Incomplete forms or forms with incorrect details will be rejected.

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